River Waveney – tidal sections – Old Dunburgh Stretch

There is no longer any roadside parking for day ticket holders as the lay-by by the steps is now a designated passing place.

High tide at the top of the tidal reach is about the same as at London Bridge – you can check the tide times here.

The river is subject to winter flooding. Before you travel you may wish to check this website – Flood alerts – Bungay

Dunburgh stretch
Access – OS map ref TM400916
Lon E 1.5327560
Lat N 52.4692090
what3words – dissolves.brighter.miracles

Fishing without a permit is from Sunrise to Sunset only (see below).
Night fishing is available for Members aged 16 and over through a permit which must be obtained from the Secretary, prior to fishing, at the price of £10.

Situated between Beccles and Bungay on the Norfolk side of the river in a beautiful wooded area and a veritable wildlife paradise.

A really cracking stretch! Partly wooded, deep, with Norfolk reeds and reasonable boat traffic.

A good float water with a good head of fish including some big Perch which can top 2lb.

A total of 20 swims are available, 16 of which have purpose built staging.

A members only car park, for six cars, has been constructed at the bottom of the hill, close to the river. Access is through the original padlocked gateway, down a made track and through a second padlocked gate.

Please ensure ALL gates are properly closed and padlocked after entry and exit.

There is a separate padlock number for the top gate. It is available through an automated email system – click HERE to obtain it.

Please be aware there is a well used public footpath running along the river bank and members must allow walkers full access along the path.

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