Just a few lines to thank all those who turned out for the work party at the Lay-by today.
33 turned out and the Lay-by hasn’t had such a good haircut and make-over since Covid struck.
A terrific amount of work was achieved with the usual pruning of bushes, raking of the bank with the debris of the floods still left, raking of the margins where debris has been deposited from the gales.
The container was given a good clear out with the skip being filled. Barbecue was given a clean, leaning trees by the work station 1 and peg 16/17 were removed, sunken pegs on shallow side were lifted and repaired and the fencing was repaired.
The lake certainly looks much better now.
Majority of the Committee attended, along with usual regulars Malcolm, Shirley, (Cake was lovely Shirley!), Dave Gladwell, Chris, Kenny and others. A good few of these well into their 70’s and 80’s.
It was good to see some match anglers also attending, Alan, Jimmy, Paul Cooper and Paul Dean. Also people such as Peter, Colin, Keiran, Roger and more, who all did their fair share of the work. Some came saying they would do a couple of hours, which is what we asked, but were there for much longer.
Kenny and Paul with the help of Ian’s third arm, did a great job of repairing pegs.
A special word for Alan Nobbs must be given who had been down to fill in the holes that had developed on the track into the venue and beside the lake. Much appreciated.
It was amazing, and proves a point, just how much work can be achieved with a few extra people.
I hope that all those anglers who use the lake, pleasure and match anglers, appreciate what was done today.
It certainly was appreciated by the Committee.
Glenn Shiplee (Chairman)
PS. we are in the process of raising some money to buy the poor soul a belt whose trousers fell down!